Forehead Reduction – What to Expect

Posted April 07, 2023
What is a forehead reduction

The appearance of a large forehead can be the result of hair loss or genetics and it might not be the look some people want for their forehead. In order to alter the height of the forehead, patients can have forehead reduction surgery to reduce the height of the forehead. Interested in learning how forehead reduction surgery, AKA hairline lowering surgery, is performed? The answers are in this article as well as the informative video below from Cosmetic Town News:

Forehead Reduction Surgery – How is it Performed?

In general, forehead reduction surgery can give the face an improved balance to the proportions of the face. It is an invasive surgical procedure that requires a number of steps to achieve the desired results.

How Forehead Reduction is PerformedThe surgery begins with the marking of the hairline as well as the area of the forehead that is targeted to be removed by the doctor. When planning the amount of the forehead to be removed, the surgeon will take care to make sure the cut that is made along the hairline is able to preserve both the nerves and the hair follicles.

The forehead, stretching from the hairline to the area just above the brows, will be numbed through the use of a local anesthetic. An incision is then created on the targeted area of the forehead, and the hairline marked by the surgeon, so the doctor can carefully separate the skin from the connective tissue that is underneath the treated area. The surgeon will then cut out the area of the forehead that has been targeted for removal.

Once this step is performed, the top incision that goes along the hairline is pulled down, so it joins the incision on the forehead. This action serves to shorten the forehead by closing the gap in the treated area. Finally, the skin is sutured together so the chance of a scar forming is minimized. A scar will likely be concealed by the hairline once the hair in this area starts to regrow.

Forehead Reduction – Who is a Good Candidate?

When it comes to forehead reduction surgery, a good candidate includes a person who wants to shorten the size of their large forehead or wants to lower their hairline. An ideal candidate also includes a person who has a good amount of skin laxity as well as someone with low or heavy brows they want elevated to a higher position.

Forehead Reduction – Recovery and Results

Patients can return home the same day as the surgery, but they will need to return to the office to have their sutures removed about a week after the procedure. It is important to keep the wound clean after the surgery, so it is able to properly heal.

There will be some swelling and bruising that resolves on its own and patients can usually return to work after three to five days. Any hair loss at the front of the scalp will grow back after a period of several months.

Overall, the results of forehead reduction surgery are long lasting provided the patient makes sure to follow the post-op instructions they receive from the surgeon.

Forehead Reduction Surgery – Possible Risks

Forehead reduction surgery includes a number of risks:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Hair loss at the area where the hairline was cut by the surgeon
  • Scarring
  • Damage to the nerves where the incision was made by the surgeon

Forehead Reduction Surgery – How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of forehead reduction surgery can run anywhere from $8000-$12,500. The total cost depends on the area of the country where it is performed, the amount of work that the surgeon needs to perform to achieve the desired results, and if any additional procedures are performed at the same time. Since it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure (not medically necessary), the cost of the surgery will not be covered by insurance.

Forehead Reduction – Are There Alternative Treatments?

If the patient is examined by the surgeon and is determined to not be an ideal candidate for the surgery, there are some alternative treatments that can be performed to address the issue of a larger forehead.

A brow lift changes the placement of the brows on the patient. If the forehead has a longer look due to a low appearance of the brows, the surgeon can perform a brow lift to manipulate the muscles or move the skin in the eyebrow area to lift the brows into a higher position on the face. The lifting of the brows can sometimes give the forehead a look that is shorter.

A high hairline can also give the forehead a longer look. In a case such as this, hair grafting can be performed and this involves moving hair from the donor area of the scalp to the front of the hairline. The movement of the hair follicles can give the forehead a look that is shorter in appearance as well as an overall reduced look to the forehead.

- MA


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